Faith Church Rio Rancho

Faith Church Español

Faith Church Español

Faith Church Español es una iglesia centrada en Cristo. Amamos a Jesús y queremos multiplicarlo en nuestra comunidad y en nuestros países de origen.

Bienvenido a Faith Church Español

Es una comunidad de personas diversas. Creemos que Dios es glorificado a través de la unidad que encontramos en Cristo. Esta unidad se refleja en la iglesia al buscar el compañerismo, el servicio y el amor los unos por los otros sin importar raza o color. Buscamos la salvación de todos aquellos que hablan español en New México. Cristo es para todos los pueblos y naciones. Cada uno de nosotros necesita un salvador. No importa cuál sea su origen o etapa de vida, aquí hay un lugar para crecer de la mano de Dios y Su palabra en compañerismo de la familia de Dios. Ya sea que solo estés buscando respuestas a las preguntas que tienes o estés listo para sumergirte y conectarte, puedes descubrir más en Faith Church Español. Déjanos saber si visitaste nuestra página en internet. Completa el formulario para que podamos conocerte mejor.

¿Estas buscando un lugar donde queremos ser más como Jesús a través de la adoración, el estudio de la Biblia en la guía del Espíritu Santo? ¿Estás buscando un lugar con alabanza alegre y enseñanza relevante a tu vida diaria? Ven a conocer a personas de diferentes países hispanohablantes y culturas aquí mismo en Rio Rancho, New México. Aquí encontrarás una comunidad amigable y un ambiente diseñado para todas las edades. Faith Church Español es un lugar donde las familias e individuos encuentran un lugar para dar y recibir bendición, esperanza y vivir siendo parte de la gran familia de Dios.

¿Nuevo Aquí?

Nos gustaría ayudarle personalmente a familiarizarse. ¡Haznos saber!

Get to Know Us

Faith Church Español en Español

Domingos a las 10:30 am
900 Southern Blvd. SE
Rio Rancho, NM

Grupos Vida

Dentro de la comunidad de la Faith Church Español, buscamos crear relaciones fuertes a través de nuestros Grupos Vida.

¿Necesita Oración?

La oración es comunicación con Dios. Hacemos esto alabándolo, confesando nuestro pecado ante Él, agradeciéndole y pidiéndole por nuestras necesidades y deseos.

La oración es comunión con nuestro Creador. Cuando oramos, participamos en una comunión amorosa con el Creador del cielo y de la tierra. Él bondadosamente nos ha invitado a una estrecha relación de pacto con Él a través de la persona y obra de Cristo.

La oración es central para la vida cristiana. A los cristianos se les ordena orar “continuamente” (1 Tes 5:17) mientras buscamos a Dios y crecemos en intimidad con Él.

Dios se preocupa por ti, así como de los desafíos, preguntas o victorias que estas experimentado en tu vida. ¿Necesitas oración? Envíe una oración para ser compartida y otros oren por usted si está de acuerdo. Déjenos saber si esta orando por otra persona y grupos.

Baptism Face


¿Quieres aprender y ser bautizado en la Faith Church Español?

Comparte Tu Historia di Vida y Testimonio

Somos servidores de Dios en donde nos encontremos, en nuestras cosas, lugares de trabajo supermercado, etc. Somos las manos y los pies de Jesús. Escribe y déjanos saber cómo Dios le está usando para llevar su mensaje a otros.

Cinco Pilares de Discipulado

En Faith Church Español nos preocupamos profundamente por el discipulado y el desarrollo del pueblo de Dios a medida que crecen en su fe y compromiso con Jesús. En nuestros ministerios de discipulado, buscamos emplear lo que llamamos los 5 Pilares. Los 5 Pilares están destinados a dar apoyo y estructura al proceso de discipulado. Encontramos estos pilares arraigados en las Escrituras y creemos que son parte de lo que Dios espera encontrar en la comunidad bíblica.


La Palabra de Dios es la fuerza autoritativa y motriz de nuestras vidas (2 Timoteo 3). Es a través de la Palabra de Dios que somos instruidos acerca de Dios, de nosotros mismos, de la vida y del plan de salvación de Dios. Por lo tanto, debe impulsar lo que hacemos en el discipulado. Derivamos nuestra dirección de las Escrituras y permitimos que hablen a nuestras vidas en todos los aspectos de nuestras vidas.


La oración es un don que Dios da a Su pueblo para comunicarse con Él (Mateo 6). En la oración, podemos expresar nuestros temores, tristezas, preocupaciones, entusiasmo, alegría y placer con Dios. En la oración somos dirigidos por Dios y movidos hacia Dios. Por lo tanto, la oración es un componente crítico de la vida de un creyente y del proceso de discipulado.


Dios espera que su pueblo funcione y opere dentro de la comunidad (Hechos 2). Nunca estuvimos destinados a estar aislados o solos. Por lo tanto, nos esforzamos por crear y florecer en comunidades donde somos conocidos y amados dentro del cuerpo de Cristo.


Seguir a Jesús es difícil y exigente debido a la maldición del pecado (1 Cor 5). Somos propensos a luchar y divagar a lo largo de nuestra vida cristiana. Creemos que la respuesta bíblica a esto no es simplemente esforzarse más, sino compartir las cargas de los demás mientras los creyentes comparten abiertamente sus defectos y fracasos. Por lo tanto, buscamos crear atmósferas en las que a las personas se les hagan preguntas destinadas a empujarlas de regreso al evangelio y al deseo de honrar a Jesús en todo lo que hacen.


La gracia y la misericordia de Dios llevan a Sus seguidores a una respuesta de servicio (Marcos 10). Vemos repetidamente en las Escrituras que el pueblo de Dios sirve y se preocupa por quienes lo rodean. Esto es en respuesta directa al servicio y cuidado que Dios nos ha mostrado primero. En el servicio, vemos el énfasis de buscar satisfacer las necesidades tanto físicas como espirituales de aquellos en nuestra comunidad. Por lo tanto, deseamos servir a otros dentro y fuera de la iglesia como una efusión del servicio y cuidado de Dios hacia nosotros.

Declaración de Fe

Faith Church Español adopto la Declaración de Fe de la Iglesia Evangélica Libre de América (EFCA). La EFCA es una asociación de iglesias autónomas unidas bajo estas convicciones teológicas.



Sunday Services: 8:30 & 10:30 am

En Español: 10:30 am

Join Us In-Person

900 Southern Blvd. SE
Rio Rancho, NM 87124
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Receive updates on future events and happenings at Faith Church.

Joe & Jackie Bruce

Ethnos 360

Joe and Jackie Bruce:

Mission: Joe and Jackie are responsible to care for missionaries who are serving all over the world. Their primary focus is to care for missionaries on home assignment. This includes debriefing and working through the many obstacles of living in a cross-cultural setting. Their ministry includes traveling to visit missionaries in their region, and facilitating further training.

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Francisco & Nathalie Arjona

European Christian Mission International or

Mission: Francisco is the National Director of ECM, Spain; the President of Good Samaritan Association, a ministry to drug addicts; and also serves as a pastor in the Evangelical Church in Pozoblanco. Nathalie is executive secretary of Good Samaritan and the administrator for ECM, Spain. They also maintain a guest house for missionaries or pastors in training, and their families. Francisco is also heavily involved in church planting efforts in Spain.

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The "M" Family

Mr. and Mrs. M (with Elian and Noemi):

(Please FILTER all emails, remaining "cryptic" about spiritual matters.)

*We ask that no information is shared on social media.

Mission: We are evangelizing local people and seeking to make disciples for the purpose of healthy church formation among an unreached people group in an undisclosed location in the Middle East.

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Gujarat, India

Through RIMI (Reaching Indians Ministries International)

Church Partnership Coordinator: Joel Varghese-

Mission: Glorify God by fulfilling the Great Commission of Christ to help transform India, South Asia, and beyond.

Faith Church has adopted the state of Gujarat, India as a special region of focus. We partner with and support the efforts of RIMI in evangelism and church planting, leadership development, and compassion ministries.

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Louis & Karen Rose

SIL International and Faith Comes By Hearing,


Mission: Mission Objective 2021: Record Malaysia’s indigenous language Bibles and launch oral Bible translation projects around the world.

Louis’s role with FCBH is to 1) coordinate the audio recording of indigenous language Scriptures in Malaysia, and 2) train language teams around the world how to translate Scripture using an oral method.

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Colleen Boyd

with SIL and Wycliffe Bible Translators

Mission: Colleen is the supervisor for all translation/language projects in Central America, Caribbean, United States, and Canada. She visits teams on location for strategy and budget planning, member care, and overall encouragement, as they work on translating the Word of God (Old and New Testament).

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Steve & Kathryn Moore

Wycliffe and Peacemakers

Mission: Steve and Kathryn are children of missionaries. In 1988 they joined Wycliffe Bible Translators and served in Lima, Peru, for 11 years. Since the early 2000s they have been charged with encouraging spiritual unity and Biblical peace in the Bible translation movement in multiple countries. In addition, Steve is a Certified Christian Conciliator who helps servants of God worldwide to work through conflict biblically. 

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Across Nations

Chuck and Cindy Harper or

Vision: Native America restored and transformed by the Creator into self-determined, emboldened servants, enlarging God’s global kingdom.

Mission: Across Nations continues the 80-year legacy of Western Indian Ministries, working alongside Native American communities. Their strategy includes: engaging Native Youth; Community Outreach; Native Church Development: Hilltop Christian School; Radio Broadcasting; Summer Service Teams; and Business as Mission

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Care Net Pregnancy Center

Mission: Care Net Pregnancy Center of Albuquerque has four locations in Albuquerque, Rio Rancho, Los Lunas, and Moriarty, as well as a medical mobile unit. Care Net offers a safe and supportive place for women and girls as well as their families to explore their options when there is an unexpected pregnancy. They also offer free pregnancy counseling, limited obstetrical ultrasound, pregnancy and parenting education, and support. STD testing and post-abortion recovery help are also offered. Compassion and hope are the hallmarks of Care Net services.

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(Evangelical Free Church of America, West District)

Bob Osborne:

Mission: EFCA West is the district arm of the National Evangelical Free Church of America (EFCA). EFCA West supports Evangelical Free churches in the Western US including New Mexico; providing lay training, pastoral support, support for church planting, men and women’s ministries, and counseling to member churches.

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Healing Hearts Ministries International

Faith Church missionaries:

Sue Liljenberg, Founder:

Allan Miller, COO:

Linda Padilla, Counselor, Shipping:

Julie Zimmerman, Counselor:

Mission: Healing Hearts Ministries is a gospel-centered, grace-driven ministry dedicated to reaching the brokenhearted by working alongside churches to provide qualified, compassionate biblical counselors to minister to individuals suffering from the pain of their past such as: abortion, sexual abuse, rape, drug abuse, adultery, divorce, abandonment, physical abuse, and pornography. These difficult topics are sufficiently addressed through the application of God’s Word in focused discipleship courses led in small groups or online.

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Mountaintop Retreat

Montrose, CO


Mission: A non-profit, nondenominational Christian camp dedicated to sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ, strengthening families, and helping Christians grow in their faith through camp ministry. Christians of all ages find that spending time away at Mountaintop Retreat provides the opportunity to commune with the Lord, in the beauty of His creation, and be refreshed.

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Rivers of Mercy Children's Home

Juarez, Mexico or Facebook

Emmis & Kristin Robles:

Mission: Rivers of Mercy is a Christ-centered orphanage for the abused, abandoned, and neglected children in Juarez, Mexico. Their desire is that during the time the children are in the home, they would hear the gospel and choose to receive Christ as their personal Savior.
The children’s home is run by Emmis and Kristin Robles (Leong). Kristin is the daughter of David and Laura Leong and was raised in our church.

If you would like more information about any of these ministries, you are welcome to contact them directly or you can contact anyone on the Missions Team.

Faith Church Local Outreach Team:

  • Chris Risk (Chairman)
  • Mitch Amschler
  • David Leong
  • Becky Risk
  • Duane Roth
  • Carol Wilson

For further questions or information, please contact our Outreach Pastor at

If you are interested in joining the Local or Global Missions Team, you must first become a member. Then talk to Pastor Bryon (Outreach and Discipleship Pastor) or the Chairman of the respective board.

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The Faith Church Men's Ministry offers several men's groups that meet at various times and locations throughout the area. If you would like more information about those groups, submit a request below.

The men of Faith Church also meet quarterly for a Men's Breakfast and will plan other events for teaching and fellowship (retreats, chili cook-off, etc).

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The Faith Church Women's ministry offers Bible Studies each semester, with a rotation of Bible study topics. Most studies meet at the church, and some daytime studies include a child-care option for mothers. It is also typical for the women to have an annual conference or retreat, in addition to other events. One of the highlights of the year is our annual Ladies Tea in early December, and the ladies are encouraged to invite friends, neighbors, coworkers, etc. 

For more information about the Women's Ministry, please submit a request below.

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Life Groups

Life Groups are co-ed small groups that meet at different homes throughout the week. Most groups have between 8-12 people who meet to study God's Word, pray for one another, and share in fellowship. If you would like more information about our Life Groups, please submit a request below.

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Our workshops take place in a classroom setting, typically on Sunday mornings (though occasionally on weeknights as well). These classes range in topic from theological to practical, and are typically 8-12 weeks in length. Examples of past topics include: Biblical Foundations; Articles of Faith; Bible studies; Missions; Parenting; Marriage; Finances; Purity; and Lay Counseling. 

Upcoming workshops will be announced in the services and in the bulletin. If you have any questions, please contact Pastor Bryon at

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